Human behaviour is complex and multifaceted. We have therefore developed a methodological orientation. Using this we investigate human behaviour holistically within its historical, social and ecological context. Our work is:


With foresight into the future: Only a diachronic comparison can chart the often turbulent paths taken by human behaviour. This unique perspective on humanity sends out new impulses for science, society and politics.

In Perspective

Changes in perspective broaden our awareness. We interpret archaeological events from the vantage point of differently scaled levels of observation. Broader pictures provide orientation, narrower ones a higher resolution – just like the lens of a microscope. Only the transfer of information between these different levels of resolution leads to a comprehensive picture of human behaviour.


Humanity through Time and Space: Our research policy connects various sources and contexts with one another. These are focused within three investigative units: »Time Slices« is dedicated to the related questions of where, when and under which conditions, human behaviour manifests itself. »Strategies« and »Social Organization« investigate strategies for survival and patterns of behaviour within their social context.

Cross Disciplinary

Human behaviour cannot be studied like a rat in a laboratory: Our research is determined by more than just interdisciplinary cooperation. Ongoing socio-political discussion and new impetus from non-scientific contexts are essential to the investigation of human behavioural development.


Our research topics and their projects are designed in the short and medium term. In cooperation with scientists from all over the world, we will explore when, how, for what purpose and in what context these behaviours were accumulated. An overview of current and already completed projects can be found here. Please click to access the Map via full screen and find the English project descriptions attached.




Teaching and promotion of young scientists are a high priority at MONREPOS. This is demonstrated by a dedicated course and mentoring program and the many opportunities for participation available to students at MONREPOS. In a comprehensive curriculum, archaeologists from MONREPOS provide knowledge, experience and networks.



MONREPOS provides a framework for successful archaeology. Our laboratories, archives and library are available for research purposes by arrangement. A first overview of the existing equipment and the collections can be found here.


The Human Roots Award is an international archaeology award. It was created in 2017 and is awarded annually by MONREPOS - The Archaeological Research Centre and Museum of Human Behavioural Evolution at Schloss Monrepos near Neuwied.


In Zusammenarbeit mit LEIZA und der Gutenberg-Universität Mainz veranstaltete MONREPOS vom 28.11. bis zum 02.12.2022 die wissenschaftliche Tagung »Becoming Social – A palaeoethnological perspective on modern human behaviour«.

Komplexe soziale Interaktionen bilden die Grundlage für alle Facetten unseres modernen Lebens. Sie beruhen auf Regeln und Vorschriften, auf die sich Individuen und Gruppen geeinigt haben. Auf multidisziplinärer Ebene beleuchtete die Tagung die Anfänge dieser Entwicklungen, um die Evolution des menschlichen Verhaltens besser zu verstehen und so eine Antwort auf die Frage zu finden, was uns  zum Menschen macht.