There is a lot to explore at MONREPOS

Why am I the way I am? Why do we need a family? And why do I love French fries and fatty food? Archaeologists will function as your consultants during the following workshops, children's birthdays and school holiday programs. All in the beautiful surroundings of Monrepos.


Discover our Exhibition with Chip and Flake.

 © Henning Löhlein

Entertaining guided tour highlighting archaeological research projects and their relevance for our everyday life; specially designed for families and developed by our scientific mediators with great attention to detail.

Duration: 45 minutes
Prices per person: 3.- €
Group price (maximum 20 persons): 40.- €
Plus museum admission

Today you lead the pack! Come to MONREPOS with your friends. Here we celebrate as it was done 40,000 years ago. And you will even learn something new while doing it! But shush!...

Der Familiennachmittag wird zu miniMon! Die miniMons sind die kleinen Forscher:innen in MONREPOS, die später ganz groß rauskommen. Gemeinsam mit uns entdecken sie spannende Themen.

Vor dem Workshop kann auch an der öffentlichen Familienführung teilgenommen werden. Weitere Informationen und Daten in unserem Veranstaltungskalender.

Dauer: miniMon-Workshop 15 - 17 Uhr
pro Kind (Mindestalter 6 Jahre): 7,50 €

Dauer: Familienführung 14:00-15:00 Uhr pro Kind Führung 2 Euro/Erwachsene 3 Euro zuzgl. Eintritt.